Family Therapy

Family Therapy
Families can be a source of comfort and care, as well as a source of angst and distress. Family Therapy can help families maintain a healthy balance of togetherness and separateness. Family Therapy can support families to navigate difficult times and develop effective ways of communicating and resolving conflict.
Given the many life stages a family must navigate and the pressures and challenges that come with today’s busy and demanding lifestyles, it’s inevitable that there will be times when family relationships are strained. Some families also have added stressors to cope with such as ageing parents, mental illness, chronic or acute physical illness, disability or the blending of families.
Help family members develop greater understanding for each other
As much as family members care for each other, at times they can find it hard to live with each other. Family Therapy can help family members develop greater understanding for each other, resolve conflict and communicate more effectively.
Lindy, as well as navigating her own family life into grand-parenthood, has years of experience supporting other families as they face changes and challenges and the daily stresses of family life. Lindy has experience providing Family Therapy to families coping with ageing parents, mental illness, chronic illness, disability and blended families.